

Women of the Bible: Women Who Were Used by God for His Purpose

God often chooses the unlikely and unexpected to fulfill His plans, and many women in the Bible were called to play crucial roles in His divine purpose. Whether through leadership, courage, or quiet influence, these women made an eternal impact by allowing God to use them. Let’s explore their stories.

1. Miriam: Used by God as a Leader

Miriam, the sister of Moses, played a vital role in the story of Israel’s exodus from Egypt. Not only did she watch over her baby brother when he was placed in the Nile, but she also became a prophetess and led the Israelite women in worship after crossing the Red Sea. God used Miriam’s leadership to inspire worship and gratitude among His people. Her story shows that God uses women not only in support roles but also in leadership (Exodus 2:1-10; 15:20-21).

2. Esther: Used by God to Save a Nation

Esther’s rise from a Jewish orphan to the queen of Persia was no accident—God placed her in a position to save her people from annihilation. Her courage to approach the king uninvited and reveal the evil plot of Haman was part of God’s plan to preserve the Jewish nation. Esther’s willingness to be used by God, even at great personal risk, is a reminder that we are placed in positions of influence for divine purposes (Book of Esther).

3. Deborah: Used by God to Deliver Israel

Deborah’s role as a judge and prophetess was unique, as she was the only female judge in Israel. God used her wisdom and leadership to deliver Israel from their oppressors. She commanded Barak to lead the army into battle and even accompanied him, assuring victory. Deborah’s life teaches us that God equips those He calls, and women can lead with authority and purpose when guided by His hand (Judges 4-5).

4. Mary, Mother of Jesus: Used by God to Bring the Savior

Mary, a young woman from Nazareth, was chosen by God to bring Jesus, the Savior of the world, into humanity. Her response to the angel Gabriel, "I am the Lord’s servant," exemplifies her willingness to be used by God for an extraordinary purpose. Through Mary, God’s plan of redemption unfolded, reminding us that God often uses humble, obedient hearts to accomplish great things (Luke 1:26-38).

5. Priscilla: Used by God as a Teacher

Priscilla, along with her husband Aquila, played a key role in the early church by instructing others in the way of Christ. She is mentioned in several New Testament passages as someone who hosted church gatherings in her home and even helped explain the gospel more accurately to Apollos, a gifted preacher. God used Priscilla’s knowledge and hospitality to build His church, showing that women can be both teachers and mentors in the faith (Acts 18:24-26; Romans 16:3-5).


The women who were used by God for His purposes show that God doesn’t look at gender, status, or background when choosing His instruments. Whether through leadership, teaching, or quiet obedience, these women show us that God uses anyone who is willing to trust in Him. Their stories inspire us to be open to God’s calling, knowing that He can work through us in powerful ways, no matter our circumstances.

Buyanbat Ulziikhuu

Buyanbat Ulziikhuu

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